Acidic Saliva and How Saliva pH Is Important To Oral Health!

2021-07-26T15:04:58-06:00May 6th, 2021|

Acidic Saliva and How Saliva pH Effects Oral health The saliva pH in your mouth determines if you're mouth is healthy or unhealthy. Low pH (acidic saliva), supports bacteria growth, increases your chance of cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. Most healthy people have a "normal" saliva pH of around 7.  When acidic foods, beverages, even tap water and even dental products can tip the pH creating an imbalance that supports enamel demineralization.  Acidic saliva that is around 5.5 pH is very problematic. Saliva [...]

Nanohydroxyapatite and Dicalcium Phosphate For Remineralizing Oral Care

2021-07-26T15:11:04-06:00March 31st, 2021|

Nanohydroxyapatite & Dicalcium Phosphate For Remineralzing Early Caries We added a nano form of Hydroxyapatite (HAp) and dicalcium phosphate.  In tandem, along with all of the other ingredients in our products, you will receive EXTRA enamel remineralizing POWER! These two ingredients, stick to the FF creed, of providing benefits while also being edible.  Both are highly bioavailable forms of calcium.  Let’s get to know your ingredients: Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a member of calcium phosphate, and it has a Ca/P ratio of 1.67 which is identical [...]

Vit D for Good Teeth, Supports Remineralization

2021-03-31T15:13:41-06:00March 31st, 2021|

Besides being a VERY good supplement to take during COVID, it also regulates calcium in the intestines and how that calcium is absorbed (or not). Chron's disease, colitis and really any other type of conditions that cause malabsorption in the intestines can disrupt calcium regulation, which can adversely (and very severely) support DE-mineralization processes of bone (bone loss impacts enamel health). Vit D is critical to calcium absorption.  As we mentioned before in a previous newsletter the IMPACT of doing a food allergy test (ALCAT), and [...]

Surprise, we have autism. World Autism Day, April 2nd

2021-04-02T12:48:08-06:00March 31st, 2021|

Surprise, we have autism.  World Autism Day, April 2nd. With the assault on talented and gifted programs and the push towards a George Orwellian “Utopia” and mass censorship that’s been happening, we feel at Frau Fowler, it’s important to celebrate this World Autism Day, with a surprise.  The founders of Frau Fowler are on the spectrum. Autism is considered a disability.  It’s not necessarily the image that is sometimes portrayed in media of quirky college kids, writing code. For many, it’s not just a mental condition, [...]

Foods For Good Teeth

2021-01-29T13:56:41-07:00January 29th, 2021|

Foods For Good Teeth Eating the right foods is good for the overall health of a person and sometimes bad nutrition can lead to dental health problems.   There are two areas of food to look at 1) foods that provide the right internal health to support good oral care, and 2) foods that physically can clean teeth. Foods that physically clean teeth Fruits and vegetables are especially beneficial because chewing firm, coarse, watery, and fibrous foods help you produce saliva, removing leftover [...]

Company Week- Frau Fowler

2020-08-18T10:38:03-06:00August 18th, 2020|

Founder and CEO Perry Louis Fields produces a line of oral care products, including a tooth powder that's made her swear off commercial pastes. Fields not only thinks -- as she puts it -- "outside the box," she thinks outside the toothpaste tube, as well.   Read more at Company Week- Frau Fowler Fields instructs customers to spit after brushing, -- but not to rinse, since she says tap water is quite often acidic, just like the enamel-decaying foods many people love. The powder helps restore the [...]

Botanical Herbs For Oral Care

2020-05-12T21:36:17-06:00May 12th, 2020|

Botanical Herbs For Oral Care Frau Fowler has always been dedicated to the use of natural remedies, all-natural herbs, and essential oils and how they can be prepared to create health and well-being when used daily in personal care. Botanical herbs for oral care include a very wide variety, but below we'll discuss some of our favorite ones! Did you know that peppermint and cinnamon have been used for centuries to freshen the breath and moderate inflammation in the mouth?  We understand that getting used to what natural [...]

How To Remineralize Teeth Naturally With Great Results

2021-01-28T11:22:59-07:00November 8th, 2019|

How To Remineralize Teeth Naturally The term remineralize teeth is something you may of seen a lot of lately, but what exactly does that mean? Let’s talk about the problems first, so you know what demineralizes teeth. Dental erosion or acid erosion, is the loss of tooth structure and happens from: the inside out (the health of your internal body), the outside in (from frequency consumption of acidic food and drink or gastric acid, if you have heartburn), nutritional deficiency (we all have them and [...]

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