Well, it’s almost here!

We have new cans, new displays for retailers and a lot more coming real soon.  It hasn’t been the easiest thing to do.  After we won the pitch slam last year (several months ago), we had to throw it into high gear to be ready for the HUGE ExpoWest show in Anaheim, California, March 8-12th.  We won a booth (MAJORLY AWESOME), but had to scramble to get our other flavors going. Because our package is so unique, costly and time-consuming to produce, we are literally JUST MAKING IT before the show….and even then, I won’t be satisfied until it gets here and I’m unloading it.  Ugh.  I know. #STRESS.

That’s all going fine and dandy now…we are now working with getting into some more major retailers.  We will soon put up a map for people who are interested in where they can BUY, other than our website.   We also have some plans to do a FB login, to make it easier for those who want to do a quick purchase.

If you hook up with us on any social media platform (see the chick-lets above), you can get updates about when you can get the new flavors…they are YUMMY.

New Flavors Coming and Slightly Newer Look!

New Flavors Coming and Slightly Newer Look!



If you are already on Pinterest, you would see what we are working on “in more real time” in regards to our packaging efforts and other fun things going on- https://www.pinterest.com/fraufowler/a-passion-for-packaging/

To the left is our new design, printed as a mock up just for your lovely eyes.

Thanks for being a part of our lives. Don’t be a stranger!  And Happy New Year!
