Chemistry Corner -Teeth Whitening, The Yellow Truth About Fluoride!

2020-05-12T18:55:30-06:00September 11th, 2018|

Hi folks, this is my first blog post for Frau Fowler to talk a bit about chemistry!  I know, I know, you’re thinking I’ll either bore you to death or you won’t understand what I’m saying.  Well, I promise (mostly!) to do neither. I want to take little bit of the fear out of chemistry. I know it's dorky but chemistry is really a beautiful thing!  It’s all around us and totally inside us and its what makes all the biology and the world [...]

8.5 Best Natural Oral Care Tips (You’ve Never Heard Of)

2021-01-28T11:44:49-07:00January 29th, 2018|

#1 If you can’t pronounce it, investigate it.   The mucosal lining of the mouth is 90% effective in absorption. This is all of the soft tissue in the mouth. It’s why we have sublingual vitamins. and they work! Once it’s in the mouth, you have absorbed it. There has been public service campaigns talking about cosmetics and the amount of toxins you accumulate over years of wearing makeup everyday, but little has been said about personal care items and even less about oral care. [...]

Inside Dentistry Magazine Features Frau Fowler’s Tooth Powder!

2020-05-12T18:59:44-06:00November 21st, 2017|

        Inside Dentistry magazine features Frau Fowler! Inside Dentistry is the complete learning platform for the profession, with a comprehensive collection of informative, managerial, clinical, educational, and practical content designed to support dentists in building and sustaining successful practices.

Why do I taste SALT so intensely? Salty taste in the mouth? Here are the reasons….

2021-01-28T12:13:43-07:00August 31st, 2017|

Let's dive into the reasons WHY salt taste so different to people. SALTY taste in the mouth? Salty Taste Reason #1 -Dehydration One of the biggest factors is that MOST people are actually chronically dehydrated. Yup, it's that simple.   When your body is dehydrated, you will taste salt much more extremely than those who are fully hydrated. If it's really bad, you will have a brine taste in your mouth constantly.  A typical average person usually gets the recommendation of 2 liters per day, but [...]

Q & A Oral Care with the Frau

2021-01-28T11:25:03-07:00May 23rd, 2017|

Connect & Share! Oral CARE is health CARE Discover these TOOTH POWDER FAQs and discover a whole new level of CLEAN! How do I use this product? Tooth powder is used in lieu of a paste.  Just tap the head of a dry toothbrush into the powder – it sticks!  Get the desired amount you want (some prefer a lot, some prefer a lot less based on your preferences).  A little really goes a LONG way. Our tooth [...]

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